The Book

Fire Women
The Book:
Fire Women
Sexual Purity & Submission for the Passionate Woman
Having been married twice, Joanna candidly reveals a stark contrast between her two marriages, as well as the impact of her choices through three decades of being burned—and nearly destroyed—by the desire of the flesh. In hopes to inspire passionate women to godly living, Joanna shares practical application from the difficult lessons learned within an intense five-year refining period between marriages and an honest view of a landscape laid ruin by a life of sin. Written from the perspective of one fiery woman to another, readers will hear of the worth of living God’s way, the importance of dying to self, the true measure of passion in God’s eyes, and that not all flame is bad . . .
Combining biblical instruction and discipleship, Fire Women is a testimony to the powerful benefits of submitting even the most intense desires to the authority of Jesus Christ. It’s an intimate view of a woman with almost-untamable passion and the God who delivered her to live the passionate life she truly desired.
Balancing biblical accuracy, practical discipleship, and candid personal experience, Joanna Sanders gives a comprehensive package full of powerful truth. Fire Women is a must-read for any single woman wanting to honor
God and walk in victory.
—Nancy Kaser, author of CROWN: 30 Wife-Changing Lessons
This book is a must-read. It’s biblically based, informative, and practical. No one can speak to a woman like another woman, and Joanna is not afraid to tackle the hard subjects, bringing insight and wisdom into issues that matter. She speaks from experience and from a life sold out to Jesus Christ. I’m going to make sure that all my granddaughters read this book!
—Rev. Greg Speck, author of Sex: It’s Worth Waiting For, Living for Jesus beyond the Spiritual High,
Build to Last, and Mustard Seeds on Youth Ministry
About the Author
Joanna Sanders is a graduate of Villanova University and Moody Theological Seminary. She’s the founder and head writer of, which provides biblical content support, writing, and editing. She loves helping other authors realize God’s purpose through their stories and reflecting His glory back through their words. It has been her lifelong dream to finally write her own story. Joanna writes and edits for several Christian publications and publishers and has a heart for women’s ministry. Most importantly, she is wife to Geoff and mom to three godly-men-in-training.

I’ve seen firsthand the unnecessary pain and trauma experienced in today’s culture concerning dating relationships during my twenty-four years of working in crisis pregnancy centers across the country. Joanna’s insightful book shares the crucial key of how women can live their lives without apology—and without regret.
—Maggie Downing, executive director of various pregnancy centers across the United States
Although Fire Women is a book written specifically for women, its powerful underlying message is universal. We have become a culture that values self-gratification above all else. Unfortunately, this self-centeredness severely damages individuals, destroys relationships, and ultimately undermines society overall. Joanna Sanders compellingly shares her story of how God changed not only her desires but her heart and entire life, discovering the principle that surrendering our lives to Jesus gives us a far more fulfilling life than we could ever hope to find through self-seeking strategies. This superb book reminds us that God’s ways and wisdom are always best.
– Dan Brownell, editor, Today’s Christian Living and Today’s Pastor
Ladies, looking for a raw, humble, transparent, bibical approach to pursuing purity? Get this book. Highly recommend it. Be prepared to be challenged and blessed.
-Pastor Ryan and Jamie Vanderwarker
If you’re looking for a resource that can help you grow in your faith, as well as just an honest look at sexuality and what God has to say about it, I highly recommend this book… it will be a great resource in your own journey, but also a tool to help others as they discover God’s plan for their life.
-Dr. Joey Cook, Pastor and author of DiscipleTrip

Fire Women:
Sexual Purity & Submission for the Passionate Woman
Two minutes with the author, why you need this book.

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